- Localized convection patterns and their dynamics in binary fluid and in microorganism suspension
- Bifurcation of various convection patterns in binary fluid mixture
- Formation process of global flow structure
Selected Publications:
- Yamashita H, Kamikubo T, Muku K, Suematsu NJ, Izumi S and Iima M, “Emergence of a Euglena bioconvection spot controlled by non-uniform light”, Front. Ecol. Evol. (2023) 11:1132956. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1132956
- E. Shoji, H. Nishimori, A. Awazu, S. Izumi and M. Iima, “Localized bioconvection patterns and their initial state dependency in Euglena gracilis in an annular container”, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 83 (2014) 043001

- Paper 2 was selected as JPSJ Papers of Editors’ Choice
- Bioconvection study appeared in “The Science News” (「科学新聞」) on 25th, Apr., 2014.
- Bioconvection study was selected as “Outstanding Study in the Annual Meeting 2013”(「注目研究 in 年会 2013」) in the annual meeting of JSFM (The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics) 2013; also selected as “Outstanding Study in the Annual Meeting 2014”(「注目研究 in 年会 2014」) in the annual meeting of JSFM (The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics) 2014